Our school year has been very...scattered, I guess you could say. We often randomly take a week or more off at a time because of appointments, holidays, weather, etc. We are trying to wrap up for the end of the year. If we squish some things (for example, doing two states per day instead of one) we should be able to get finished just in time to start the new year!
I am very excited about the new school year. It will be the first year I've had to report to the school district for Sweet Potato, who is now 8 years old. We are doing MFW Exploring Countries and Cultures, which is more than just a geography/social studies curriculum, but is designed to also give children an understanding of the prayer needs of people in other countries who live very differently than we do. It focuses on learning the geography, the cultures, the habitats and animals of different countries, as well as the religious climate of the countries and what the attitudes are toward Christianity. I pray that it will open our eyes and show us how fortunate we really are to live in our own country which is so rich in everything and where we have so many freedoms. Here are some of the books we will be using:
MFW Exploring Countries and Cultures Teacher Manual
Here's everything on the MFW website. Some of the books on there are different than what we're using because they are now selling the 2nd Edition, while we are using 1st Edition.
I bought my TM at the used book sale at CHAP last year for $15 and pieced together the rest of the books from eBay, the MFW Curriculum Swap Yahoo group, and some we just happened to have on hand (thanks, Lord!)